Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Time to send some photos

Nicks dad Peter's 78th. birthday.
Just a small party of 3 of his children
and one daughter-in-law.

It was a lovely night ! Nick and Ryan went crabbing of the Grange jetty
with Nicks new nets and caught 17 along with this beauty
I think he is just a little proud

Yes Bethany has had a bad hair day.
Those cousins love each other so much.

We have had a week or more of sky viewing. It has been exciting to see McNaughts comet every night it was very clear . In all the years we have been on this planet we have not seen anything like it. Keith Martyn was very excited as you can imagine. The photos on the news each night were fantastic. We could just walk out the front door and turn to the west and it was there very cool. Monday night at 2 past 9 the spacestation flew across the sky . That too was quite incredible .

The innocence of childhood.

Nothing to report

Iwas told off for not blogging the other day. Nothing has been happening yet everything has been happening. As I am writing this I am crying..just releasing my emotions so maybe it is just as well I am writing this. The biggest and the most upsetting is happening this week. I am mourning for the inevitable loss of a relationship ... it has been a long time coming. It is not something I would wish on any parent, to have to stand back and be absolutely helpless to help to stop it happening. I know they will all survive but it is still so so sad. I did not realize how much I had hoped maybe things would turn around. Our daughter is the most patient person I know and is handling everything so well as usual she manages to put her life into little boxes to cope with it all. I wish I could do that well. I had some skin "lesions" removed last week that the Doctor was not happy with I was supposed to get the results onMonday but my doc was away I will get the results on Friday because the sister couldn't tell me . I will be glad when Friday comes. Iwas talking to my massage therapist Iona and she said there is evidence to say sunscreen is causing different skin cancers because of the chemicals. Either way the best way is to cover up and stay out of the sun during the crucial times of the day. I don't think Adam and Eva will have that trouble in Scotland. My dad is extremely bad as age is taking its toll on his mental and physical ability and my mum is not coping . Over the next week In need to talk to my brothers and sisters to discuss trying to get him assessed some how. Not looking forward to that one. Nicks dad has also had some disturbing news about his white cell count .. he is worried about that and so are we also. He was hoping to make his first journey home to Greece since leaving in 1939 but won't go now as he has to have regular treatment. That is sad for him. It is funny how all things seem to come down on you all at once. We are all very lucky because we are very close knit family and will help each other get through it all. I am sorry to be all doom and gloom but I needed to get it down.. that is why we haven't blogged. On the upside we have had a fantastic school holiday break with the girls and grandchildren. We have started to organize our 4 to 5 week holiday to see Adam and Eva in Scotland and catch up with some great people we met in Central America . We will be off mid May until mid June.