Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thoughts and Feelings of Costa Rica

Well after Mexico we wondered whether Costa Rica would be similar... we were slightly apprehensive and we thought we would need to rely on our Spanish a little more. We were very relaxed after spending the first few days in its capital and witnessing their very laid back attitudes. Most times cities are not a true indictation of the rest of the country but as far as we could see on the whole Ticos ...Costa Ricans ... where reasonably happy with their lot in life. .True We had read a lot about the disruntled relationship with Nicaraguans and there the best people to talk to about it are the locals.There are very strong undercurrents brewing as the Ticos are very well educated and their neighbours are sneaking over the borders and taking their jobs...albeit the menial labour jobs like hand pulling sugar cane and hand picking pineapples ...ouch .It is a problem alot of countries have . The grass is always greener on the other side .Enough of politics. The Ticos are organized , especially when it comes to tourism. Occ health and safety is at the forefront because eco tourism is one of their mainstays in the country areas . We always receive lots of Holas from all whom we smile at. Very like Australians in the country areas. The food is delicious and consists of rice and beans mixed together and placed into conical shapes ...like volcanoes. Yes they have it for lunch and dinner along with a delicious salad and for breakfast ..more palatable than refried beans I tell you. Everything is sooo clean, they are very house proud they don't have much, but is swept and cleaned all the time. Mind you most women don't work, only the younger ones do, in traditional roles as was in our past like reception and nursing. The scenery was some of the most outstanding we have ever seen. We spent quite a bit of time on local buses so saw lots of lush rainforests and coffee plantations very pleasing on the eyes. Costa Rica is also very mountainous right through from coast to coast. A lot of people spoke good English, well tourism english. We lost touch a little with our spanish you get a little lazy. We have the best weather especially in Monteverde.The price of our food was very inexpensive drinks etc. as well. Costa Rica really was the adventure place of our travelling to date .I can't express how it felt to fly through the air, through the foliage and way above the tree tops hope it won't be the last.Loved the country, everything about it.

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