Monday, May 12, 2014


And Today we decided to travel to Stanley and climb the Nut. On the way we stopped at the markets at Burnie. Another great market with lots of local produce. Local pickled onions and some other products like cheese, vegetables, jams and walnuts were available as well.
Onwards to the information centre and discovered a very enjoyable way to spend some time.
Every day there are local artists and craftsmen displaying their skills. Burnie used to be a major paper producer, but finally closed in 2010 and left a large hole in the local economy. Tourists can now make their own paper. The paper makers obtain their raw material from many sources. You can make paper from timber, cotton,  hemp, denim or many other materials.
We watched a deckle maker. They also have spinners,  weavers, screen printers and many other craftsmen. A great place to spend a few hours.
We arrived at Stanley and started the climb. The Nut is 152 metres high and took about 20 mins to climb to the top followed  by about an hour to complete the circuit.
We did weaken and catch the chair lift as we were unsure if Gabrielle's knee would hold up for the steep descent.

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